إعلانات: معلومات حول النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال 2024 النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال المخيم الثاني لريادة الأعمال لمدينة مصراته إعلان عطلة عيد الفطر المبارك توقيت المحاضرات خلال شهر رمضان الكريم جدول المحاضرات إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج دبلوم عالي تقني إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج بكالوريوس تقني إعلان اجتماع مع مدير مركز الريادة وحاضنات الأعمال مواعيد حاصة بالامتحانات النهائية إعلانات بخصوص الامتحانات النهائية إعلان بخصوص بطاقات التعريف بخصوص فتح القبول للدراسات العليا

الأقسام العلمية بكلية التقنية الصناعية

كلية التقنية الصناعية

مفردات مقرر

رمز المقرر:

اسم المقرر:


قواعد بيانات II










ت.أ 533 قواعد بيانات I .


  Enhance the student knowledge and skills in database systems, with emphasis on: 
  Alternatives data modeling and database design methods. 
  Transforming logical to physical design, using common applications. 
 DBMS and db application implementation tools and techniques. 

المحتوى النظري

   It is a one-semester course, which deals with mastering Rapid Applications Development (RAD) for DB systems. The course is divided roughly into five parts. The first of these consisting of a deep study of Normalisation theory and schema refinement by Normalization (1NF trough 5NF); it includes overview of functional dependencies and schema refinement by Normalization (1NF trough BCNF), Multivalued Dependencies and 4NF, Higher Level Normal such as 5NF and Domain Key Normal Forms (DKNF), Practical concerns about Normalization. The second part deals with PL/SQL Programming, consists on deep study of the language including Built-in Data Types, Control Flow Constructs, Designing and Implementing Cursors, Triggers, Procedures, Functions and Packages. The third part focuses on learning functionalities of CASE Tools and 4GLs for database design (Oracle Designer), Rapid Application Development (RAD) and GUI design (Oracle Developer: Forms, Graphics and Reports).The Fourth part concerns the DB technology; it deals with technology of a DB server such as Concurrency Control and Query Optimization, Distributed Architectures including Client/Server, Distributed DB and Two-Phase Commit Protocol. The fifth part deals with supporting DB interaction on the World Wide Web, it consists in learning how to design Data-Intensive WEB sites and studying techniques and tools for DB access through the WEB. The last part consists in studying procedures, policies and techniques of Managing DB Environment including both data and DB Administration.  

المحتوى العملي

  Design and Implementation of a DB for a real-world problem, Development of applications programs and Design of Ergonomic GUIs. During the course students undertake practical examples and case studies using CASE Tools and 4 GLs such as Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle Developers (Forms, Reports and Graphics) and Oracle Designer in the database laboratory.  
