إعلانات: معلومات حول النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال 2024 النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال المخيم الثاني لريادة الأعمال لمدينة مصراته إعلان عطلة عيد الفطر المبارك توقيت المحاضرات خلال شهر رمضان الكريم جدول المحاضرات إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج دبلوم عالي تقني إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج بكالوريوس تقني إعلان اجتماع مع مدير مركز الريادة وحاضنات الأعمال مواعيد حاصة بالامتحانات النهائية إعلانات بخصوص الامتحانات النهائية إعلان بخصوص بطاقات التعريف بخصوص فتح القبول للدراسات العليا

الأقسام العلمية بكلية التقنية الصناعية

كلية التقنية الصناعية

مفردات مقرر

رمز المقرر:

اسم المقرر:


خدمات إلكترونية










ت.أ 633 قواعد بيانات II. ت.أ 634 برمجة انترنت II.


  This course overviews Ecommerce, its uses, implications, strategies and technologies. Covering such subjects as ECommerce definition and its uses in creating services and improving various business operations, selling on the Web, building a Web presence, marketing on the Web, B2B strategies, Web auction, Web portals, legal and ethical issues, ECommerce Software, ECommerce security, EPayment systems and planning for EBusiness.   

المحتوى النظري

   The main objective of this course is to provide students with a complete coverage of the Ecommerce subject. The course offer a basic knowledge base in this constantly changing field. It helps students to learn about the key business and technology elements of ECommerce. The course is descriptive and does not include programming. It is more focused towards equipping graduates with the basic concepts and strategies used in building successful ECommerce Websites. The course will also equip students with the major terminology of the subject and means to evaluate and deploy current and future Web technology in this field. More specific Objectives are:   Introduce basic elements of electronic commerce, advantages & disadvantages, ECommerce and economic forces, use of value chain, ECommerce and the Internet/WWW. Selling on the web: Revenue models, establishing an effective presence on the web, meeting customer needs, creating trust and loyalty. Marketing on the Web: EMarketing strategies, market segmentations, technology enabled CRM, creating and maintaining brands on the web, search engine positioning and domain name selection. B2B e-Solution strategies in procurement, logistics and other support activities, supply chain managements, EDI, and e-Marketplaces.   Explaining Web Auctions, virtual communities, and Web portals. Demonstrating International, legal, ethical and tax issues related to ECommerce. Introducing various electronic commerce software, supply chain software, CRM software and automated content management software. Demonstrating security threats to ECommerce and implementing ECommerce security. Payment systems for ECommerce, credit and debit card transactions, ECash and EWallets. Planning for electronic business, outsourcing, web hosting services, project management techniques and staffing. Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)  certificate in e-Commerce.  

المحتوى العملي

  تطبيقات برمجية 
