إعلانات: معلومات حول النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال 2024 النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال المخيم الثاني لريادة الأعمال لمدينة مصراته إعلان عطلة عيد الفطر المبارك توقيت المحاضرات خلال شهر رمضان الكريم جدول المحاضرات إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج دبلوم عالي تقني إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج بكالوريوس تقني إعلان اجتماع مع مدير مركز الريادة وحاضنات الأعمال مواعيد حاصة بالامتحانات النهائية إعلانات بخصوص الامتحانات النهائية إعلان بخصوص بطاقات التعريف بخصوص فتح القبول للدراسات العليا

الأقسام العلمية بكلية التقنية الصناعية

كلية التقنية الصناعية

مفردات مقرر

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أسس أمن بيانات وشبكات










ت.أ 602 شبكات حاسوب I.


  The course is intended to give students an appreciation of the importance of security for computer systems. At the end of the course the student is expected to have gained sufficient knowledge of the variety of threats to computer systems and what measures he need to take to ensure its secure operation in a networked distributed environment.   

المحتوى النظري

   This course emphasizes the need for security; the issues of privacy, confidentiality, integrity and reliability of computer systems vis-à-vis the vulnerabilities and threats to computing system resources:  hardware, software, information, communication networks, distributed systems, and databases.  Principles of design, implementation and administering secure systems incorporating multilevel security strategies, secrecy/ cryptography algorithms, authentication, non repudiation, digital signatures, Internet/intranet firewalls, OS security aspects, object oriented access control, PVNs are covered in sufficient detail. 
Describe efficient basic number-theoretic algorithms, including greatest common divisor, multiplicative inverse mod n, and raising to powers mod n. 
  Describe at least one public-key cryptosystem, including a necessary complexity-theoretic assumption for its security. 
  Create simple extensions of cryptographic protocols, using known protocols and cryptographic primitives. 
  Discuss the fundamental ideas of public-key cryptography. 
  Describe how public-key cryptography works. 
  Distinguish between the use of private- and public-key algorithms. 
  Summarize common authentication protocols. 
  Generate and distribute a PGP key pair and use the PGP package to send an encrypted e-mail message. 
  Summarize the capabilities and limitations of the means of cryptography that are conveniently available to the general public. 
  Outline the technical basis of viruses and denial-of-service attacks. 
  Enumerate techniques to combat “cracker” attacks. 
  Discuss several different “cracker” approaches and motivations. 
  Identify the professional’s role in security and the tradeoffs involved. 
  Defend the need for protection and security, and the role of ethical considerations in computer use. 

المحتوى العملي

  Summarize the features and limitations of an operating system used to provide protection and security. 
  Compare and contrast current methods for implementing security. 
  Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of two or more currently popular operating systems with respect to security. 
Compare and contrast the security strengths and weaknesses of two or more currently popular operating systems with respect to recovery management.
