إعلانات: معلومات حول النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال 2024 النادي التقني الصيفي للأطفال المخيم الثاني لريادة الأعمال لمدينة مصراته إعلان عطلة عيد الفطر المبارك توقيت المحاضرات خلال شهر رمضان الكريم جدول المحاضرات إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج دبلوم عالي تقني إعلان مقترح لمشروع تخرج بكالوريوس تقني إعلان اجتماع مع مدير مركز الريادة وحاضنات الأعمال مواعيد حاصة بالامتحانات النهائية إعلانات بخصوص الامتحانات النهائية إعلان بخصوص بطاقات التعريف بخصوص فتح القبول للدراسات العليا

الأقسام العلمية بكلية التقنية الصناعية

كلية التقنية الصناعية

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برمجة هواتف نقالة**










ت.أ 536 برمجة واجهات رسومية.


  تعريف الطالب ببرمجة الهواتف النقالة باستخدام أهم اللغات المستخدمة لهذا الغرض 

المحتوى النظري

   The Java environment: An overview within which mobile applications are developed. It describes the three editions of the Java 2 platform, Standard (J2SE), Enterprise (J2EE) and Micro (J2ME) and looks at how they fit into different architectures and applications. Types of Java Virtual Machine are discussed including footprint and garbage collection, Java language features for J2ME: When programming with J2ME only a subset of the Java APIs available in the standard edition is available because of the specification of the J2ME configurations. an overview of the most important language features and APIs for micro development, including streams, I/O, collections and threads. J2ME architecture. The different profiles and configurations that can be used are introduced. J2ME development tools: There are a number of tools available for developing J2ME applications and emulating mobile devices. Focuing on the Sun Wireless Toolkit and the Palm OS Emulator.
Mobile development for PDAs: Looking at the APIs available for larger mobile devices as PDAs and explore the differences between programming with the full set of Java APIs and working with the more limited set available with the Connected Device Configuration(CDC) and other configurations. 
Client server programming: Many mobile applications use a client server model, where information is downloaded into the mobile device from a server. This module looks at the way that a mobile application can interact with an HTTP server to become a mobile web client.
JTWI and MIDP programming: One of the most important J2ME specifications is Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI) which is intended for programming mobile telephones. This comprises (as a minimum) the CLDC configuration, the Wireless Messaging API (WMA) and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). Looking at MIDP and its support for graphical user interfaces, persistence, security and connectivity, and provide some programming guidelines.
Wireless Messaging: This covers aspects of the Wireless Messaging API and how it relates to the push registry of MIDP devices. Peer to peer communication and server to client push are explored.

المحتوى العملي

  Design and implement various kind of mobile applications in JAVA.  
